vertical load

vertical load
the normal reaction of the tire on the road which is equal to the negative of the normal force.

Mechanics glossary. 2013.

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  • load — I. noun Etymology: Middle English lod, from Old English lād support, carrying more at lode Date: 12th century 1. a. the quantity that can be carried at one time by a specified means; especially a measured quantity of a commodity fixed for each… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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  • Load Profile or Shape —   A curve on a chart showing power (kW) supplied (on the horizontal axis) plotted against time of occurrence (on the vertical axis) to illustrate the variance in a load in a specified time period …   Energy terms

  • Load Shape —   A curve on a chart showing power (kW) supplied (on the horizontal axis) plotted against time of occurrence (on the vertical axis), and illustrating the varying magnitude of the load during the period covered …   Energy terms

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