- normal strain
- strain measuring the intensity of deformation along an axis. Normal strain is often simply called strain.
Mechanics glossary. 2013.
Mechanics glossary. 2013.
Normal strain — As with stresses, strains may also be classified as normal strain and shear strain (i.e. acting perpendicular to or along the face of an element respectively). For an isotropic material that obeys Hooke s law, a normal stress will cause a normal… … Wikipedia
strain — strain1 strainingly, adv. strainless, adj. strainlessly, adv. /strayn/, v.t. 1. to draw tight or taut, esp. to the utmost tension; stretch to the full: to strain a rope. 2. to exert to the utmost: to strain one s ears to catch a sound. 3. to… … Universalium
strain — the intensity of deformation at a point in an object. When stress is applied to a body, a strain is produced. The body can be distorted or deformed, depending upon its elasticity. Strain is measured by the ratio of the dimensional change produced … Mechanics glossary
străin — STRĂÍN, Ă, străini, e, adj., s.m. şi f. (Persoană) care face parte din populaţia altei ţări decât aceea în care se află sau trăieşte; (om, fiinţă) care este originară din altă regiune, localitate etc. decât aceea în care se află sau locuieşte,… … Dicționar Român
strain — strain1 [strān] vt. [ME streinen < OFr estraindre, to strain, wring hard < L stringere, to draw tight: see STRICT] 1. to draw or stretch tight 2. to exert, use, or tax to the utmost [to strain every nerve] 3. to overtax; injure by… … English World dictionary
strain — 1 noun 1 WORRY (C, U) worry caused by having to deal with a problem or work too hard over a long period of time: The trial has been a terrible strain for both of us. | put a strain on sb/sth: Nick s frequent trips were putting a strain on their… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
strain — 1. noun /stɹeɪn/ a) Race; lineage, pedigree. There is a strain of madness in her family. b) Hereditary character, quality, or disposition. They s … Wiktionary
Finite strain theory — Continuum mechanics … Wikipedia
Infinitesimal strain theory — The infinitesimal strain theory, sometimes called small deformation theory, small displacement theory, or small displacement gradient theory, deals with infinitesimal deformations of a continuum body. For an infinitesimal deformation the… … Wikipedia
Shear strain — is a strain that acts parallel to the face of a material that it is acting on. Normal strain acts perpendicular to the face of that it is acting on. There are two ways to interpret shear strain: the average shear strain and the engineering shear… … Wikipedia