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windup — index close (conclusion), defeasance, denouement Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
windup — [wīnd′up΄] n. 1. a winding up, or conclusion; close; end ☆ 2. Baseball the act of swinging both arms, sometimes above the head, and then pitching the ball in one continuous motion: cf. STRETCH (n. 9) adj. designating or of a mechanical toy, clock … English World dictionary
windup — See axle windup spring windup … Dictionary of automotive terms
windup — wind•up [[t]ˈwaɪndˌʌp[/t]] n. 1) the conclusion of any action, activity, etc.; end or close 2) spo baseball the preparatory movements of the pitcher s arm before pitching a ball 3) made to function by the manual winding of an internal spring or… … From formal English to slang
windup — I noun a concluding action • Syn: ↑completion, ↑culmination, ↑closing, ↑mop up • Derivationally related forms: ↑mop up (for: ↑mop up) … Useful english dictionary
Windup pain — Windup is a term used to describe the process of increased central sensitization of the body s pain pathways in response to sustained input from nociceptive afferents. This leads to increased pain (hyperalgesia), increased pain response to… … Wikipedia
Windup radio — The original Baygen clockwork radio with crank in winding position A windup radio or clockwork radio is a radio that is powered by human muscle power rather than batteries or the electrical grid. In the most common arrangement, an internal… … Wikipedia
windup — I. noun Date: 1665 1. a. the act of bringing to an end b. a concluding act or part ; finish 2. a. a series of regular and distinctive motions (as swinging the arms) made by a pitcher preparatory to releasing a pitch b. an exaggerated backswing… … New Collegiate Dictionary
windup — /wuynd up /, n. 1. the conclusion of any action, activity, etc.; the end or close. 2. a final act or part. 3. Baseball. the preparatory movements of the arm before pitching a ball. Cf. stretch (def. 22). 4. Informal. a mechanical object, as a toy … Universalium
windup — 1. noun a) The act of ending or concluding something. b) The last part of something; a conclusion. 2. adjective Operated by a coiled spring that is wound by … Wiktionary