- hypo-eutectoid steel
- a steel that contains less than 0.83% carbon and which in annealed condition has a structure of ferrite and pearlite.
Mechanics glossary. 2013.
Mechanics glossary. 2013.
hypo-eutectoid steel — noun a steel that contains less that 0.9% carbon • Hypernyms: ↑carbon steel … Useful english dictionary
hypo-eutectoid — /haɪpə juˈtɛktɔɪd/ (say huypuh yooh tektoyd) adjective 1. (of steel) containing less carbon than eutectoid steel, i.e. less than 0.9 per cent. 2. (of any alloy) containing less of the alloying element than the eutectoid element …
steel — generally defined as a metallic product whose principal element is iron and where the carbon content is not more than 2%. (The presence of large quantities of carbide forming elements may modify the upper limit of the carbon content.) acid steel… … Mechanics glossary
carbon steel — noun steel whose characteristics are determined by the amount of carbon it contains • Hypernyms: ↑steel • Hyponyms: ↑drill steel, ↑drill rod, ↑eutectoid steel, ↑hyper eutectoid steel, ↑hypo eutectoid steel … Useful english dictionary
hypoeutectoid — “+ adjective Etymology: hypo + eutectoid 1. : containing the minor component in an amount less than that contained in the eutectoid 2. of steel : containing less than 0.80 percent carbon * * * /huy poh yoo tek toyd/, adj. (of steel) having less… … Useful english dictionary
hypoeutectoid — /huy poh yoo tek toyd/, adj. (of steel) having less carbon than the 0.8 percent of eutectoid steel. [1910 15; HYPO + EUTECTOID] * * * … Universalium